
Interdisciplinary care has emerged in contemporary healthcare, where input from different healthcare professions with diverse expertise and perspectives toward management and care have come together to address patients' complexity and multifaceted needs. This integrated approach is geared towards providing optimal patient care and skilled service delivery where different members of the team – physicians, nurses, therapists, and social workers – communicate and collaborate to adopt a patient-centered approach, streamline work processes, and contribute to the care journey, resulting in an improved outcome and quality of care.
Enabling the interim cornerstone of this interprofessional team-based approach, especially with custom development, provides the ability to tailor the software to the needs of an interdisciplinary team. Custom solutions can be designed to meet the specific requirements placed on software needed to support three key components of teamwork: real-time communication, centralized data access, and coordinated care planning. Custom software can be augmented with features designed to facilitate information sharing, decrease confusion, and enable quicker and more informed decision-making – all key tenets of effective communication.

The role of custom healthcare software

It is designed for each healthcare setting, providing tailored functionality that improves operational efficiency and patient care. Medical practices managed with custom healthcare software solutions are enhanced by tailored functionality rather than generic functionality that frequently lacks specific capabilities. The software is tailored to fit the specific needs of medical practices and patients, which contrasts against the approach employed in generic commercial software development. Unlike general solutions, custom-developed medical software can be created to cover the unique requirements of different healthcare environments, such as small clinics, laboratories, and local hospitals – as well as large high-tech and multi-specialty hospitals, clinics, and outpatient centers.
For interdisciplinary teams, this feature is especially important because coordinating and synchronizing communication and care delivery across multiple specialties are complex and challenging. Custom software could be designed with features such as instant communication tools, integrated EHRs, or common and collaborative care planning modules that allow team members to communicate more effectively, update a patient’s record in real-time, and collaborate more efficiently on interdisciplinary care planning. For example, a custom IT solution could have secure messaging systems that enable communication between specialists in real-time, data analysis and visualization tools that facilitate jointly analyzing data, and shared task lists that enable care activities scheduling and monitoring.
Consider tweaking software to ensure that the various members of the interdisciplinary team have access to what they need to work together. By providing care more collaboratively and integrated, you’ll improve communication across the team and overall care.

Improving communication and information sharing

Custom healthcare software makes vital health information more accessible and easier to communicate amongst interdisciplinary healthcare team members through multiple modern tools and features. Both real-time collaboration tools, such as secure messaging and video conferencing, allow two or more people to engage with each other in minutes by transmitting messages through the internet from phones, tablets, computers, and smart devices such as watches. In medicine, secure messaging systems come in handy when healthcare team members need to communicate instantly and exchange confidential information in an encrypted mode. To illustrate, members of an interdisciplinary team might use secure messaging to discuss a patient’s care plan or status and make decisions to prevent or manage clinical complications to ensure optimal outcomes for all patients. Video conferencing tools function similarly to telemedicine sessions, so interdisciplinary teams across different sites could conduct meetings and teleconsultations where participants could see and hear with minimal delays because of technological advancements.
Tightening integration with electronic health records (EHRs), where all patient information relevant to a specific case is collated, also acquires importance because, in this way, any custom software used can be built, or at least optimized, to allow real-time integration with the suite of existing EHRs, ensuring continuous updates and availability of the most authentic patient histories to all team members.
Another case is large healthcare organizations that realized improved communication could be achieved by integrating custom software solutions into their own EHR, from which a multidisciplinary team ranging from rehabilitation specialists to outpatient pharmacists could communicate and monitor patients. A hospital system linking secure messaging with video conferencing to their EHR reported improved care management and patient outcomes. Specialists from fluid specialists to neurosurgeons could now communicate on complex cases and make alterations to the treatment plans in real-time, offering more coordinated and, hence, higher-quality care. Integrating system applications not only enhances interdisciplinary communication in terms of speed and accessibility but also improves the care of digital patients.

Facilitating coordinated care plans

Coordinated care plans and treatment protocols for interdisciplinary teams can be facilitated with custom healthcare software that centralizes care plan development or treatment protocols into a single platform that all team members can access and modify. Having all the care providers working with the patient on the same page to address all aspects of the patient’s health is imperative to a cohesive strategy, and care plans often help with this. Custom software can be built to accommodate complex issues by allowing for detailed care plans and activities. Building software to facilitate care management should allow for establishing specific goals, assigning tasks, and documenting interventions that contribute to a successful and cohesive treatment.
Real-time progress tracking and plan adjustments are another benefit of a custom software solution. These solutions often include dashboards and task-management tools that let everyone involved track patient progress in real time—often correcting and adjusting plans as the picture emerges. This allows clinicians to more promptly identify any changes in a patient’s condition and take action while ensuring all team members are familiar with the care plan without having to send or review updates manually.
The benefits of such coordinated care plans are significant, leading to better patient outcomes. Custom software that drives care by following a single plan helps ensure consistent, effective delivery of high-quality care. Care coordination improves the management of chronic medical conditions by ensuring that all members of the patient’s healthcare team share the same treatment plan. Care coordination often prevents unnecessary duplication of diagnostic and treatment services while improving communication and a patient’s ability to manage their socioeconomic health. Recent studies have shown that care coordination may prevent hospital readmissions, positively impacting patient satisfaction, reducing medical costs, and improving patient health overall.

Ensuring data security and compliance

Confidentiality – not sharing or accessing patient information without permission – is also of utmost importance because many professionals need information about a patient to do their jobs. The environment of interdisciplinary healthcare practice involves many people accessing information, therefore care must be taken to safeguard data from being accessed by those who should not be able to access it. Data security, including confidentiality, can have major legal and ethical implications. Information breaches, or loss of access by personnel who should not have such access, have major consequences and develop patients' mistrust.
Compliance with federal regulations such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires robust security, which custom software is built to provide. Role-based access control, for instance, limits information access to only those members of a workforce who need it to perform their roles. Further, custom options commonly include measures such as file and data encryption to secure data at rest or in transit and encrypt information from nefarious parties who may want to steal your data.
By incorporating these and other security features, custom healthcare software can comply with current regulatory standards and offer a secure backbone for interdisciplinary collaborations. Those healthcare organizations can undertake to organize and secure patient information accordingly, with the care teams able to focus on providing high-quality care without sacrificing the security of information. And that’s how custom software can facilitate safe and compliant interdisciplinary care practices.

The future of interdisciplinary care and custom software

The future direction of interdisciplinary care will be greatly influenced by emerging trends and technologies that improve how healthcare professionals communicate, share patient information, and manage patients. These technologies include artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and other forms of advanced data analysis. They are being increasingly adopted to predict patient outcomes, personalize treatment plans, and automate routine tasks. Telemedicine and remote monitoring tools are also innovating the practice of interdisciplinary care and extending this type of collaboration to previously unavailable areas. Such technologies enable real-time monitoring of patient health, regardless of location, and enable healthcare professionals to manage patients remotely.
Looking ahead to these changing trends, custom software will retain its major importance in staying agile, as it must be used in a certain way, by certain people, within a certain workflow, at a specific time, and for a specific period. A custom solution can be built with a clear strategic plan for integrating new technologies as they emerge that will continue to evolve healthcare providers’ workflow. Such technologies include GPs at the frontline, primary care providers (GPs and nurses – the first point-of-care for patients with physical or psychological issues), and their ability to quickly incorporate AI-powered insights at the point of care or integrate with emerging telehealth platforms for remote consultations.
It’s also hard to overstate the continued importance of customization in improving collaboration. As interdisciplinary care continues to develop, the need for software adapted to the specific circumstances of interdisciplinary teams will remain. Custom software can continually be updated if features need to be added or if regulatory changes must be incorporated; if specific issues frequently arise for a particular type of interdisciplinary team, then software designed to address those specific needs will remain profoundly useful. Furthermore, because custom software will continue to evolve, it will always be up to the task of adapting to future needs and helping strengthen interactions between health providers toward interdisciplinary collaboration, which will foster the kind of integrated care we desperately need for our nation’s cumulative healthcare needs.


Custom healthcare software can ensure interdisciplinary care collaboration by providing solutions specific to the needs of healthcare teams to facilitate communication, coordination of care, and security of data in real time. As more healthcare teams work together increasingly to provide better patient service that is more cohesive and coordinated, the agility and special features of custom solutions will continue to play a significant role in ensuring adaptability across different types of teams. It’s important to connect interdisciplinary teams so they can work together, communicate to best serve the needs of their patients, and ensure that their care is delivered in a comprehensive and coordinated way.